Nanaimo Innovation Academy
A unique educational program to inspire life-long learning.
Core Competencies and Evaluations
At Nanaimo Innovation Academy, we deliver the BC curriculum in an engaging, outdoor, child-led and seasonally inspired way. With a strong focus on outdoor education and indigenous ways of knowing, NIA will follow student interests and emerging passions. Throughout the academic exploration, teacher’s align the curricular goals for that grade, as well as the Core Competencies set out by the BC Ministry of Education:
Critical and Reflective Thinking
Creative Thinking
Personal Awareness and Responsibility
Social Awareness and Responsibility
Positive Personal and Cultural Identity
NIA will also follow the Ministry of Education’s yearly assessment schedule, including 3 formal reports and 2 informal reports throughout the school year.
Social and Emotional Focus in the Early Years
Parents want the best for their child. Parents also want their child to be academically prepared for the higher grade levels. In the early years, the best way to ensure their future academic success is to build up their social and emotional skills….and spend time reading with them.
Too much academic pressure in the early years often results in:
Children to lose interest because they are being told what to learn and do
Children in academic-focused early years programs may sometimes seem to be more “academically advanced’ than their counterparts but this gap closes by first grade
Children in academic programs often have more behavior problems than those in play-based programs
An increase in stress and anxiety (lots of playtime outdoors helps with this)
Teaching academics earlier doesn’t lead to faster cognitive development
One of the most important things children need is self-confidence and judging them and telling them their ideas are ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ instills the opposite. It can make them feel ashamed or embarrassed for trying.
Teacher-led learning can dampen creativity and curiosity (Fuller et al. 2017)
At Nanaimo Innovation Academy, we utilize the best practices from various educational pedagogies-- Waldorf, Montessori, Reggio, Whole Child Education, Forest School Theory and Play-based Learning-- without being limited by the rigidity of ascribing to just one philosophy. By being flexible and in constant evaluation of what is best for child development and learning, we innovate and create a program designed for our student’s current needs, interests, and growth.
Curricular Focus of the Elementary School
Letter and sound recognition
Progression of reading skills
Progression of writing skills
Outdoor dynamic story prompts and connections
Songs and rhyming
Sign Language, Spanish, and French language in a play-based way
Mental math strategies
Natural math manipulatives
Shapes exploration and comparing amounts
Number recognition and counting
Simple addition and subtraction during play
Patterns in nature
Physical education
Safety and risk management
Encourage gross-motor activities and play within the comfort levels of the child
Lessons in resiliency and understanding our bodies
Nutritious meal program with explorations of food
Lessons in gardening, processing, foraging, and farming
Yoga, mindfulness, and self-regulation
Socials studies
Inquiry-based learning, child-lead explorations
Connection to the natural world-sense of place
Sustainable environmental practices
Community connection, awareness and improvement
Global awareness on common issues
Guest speakers – Indigenous Elders, Community Helpers
Encourage ‘sense of wonder’ about the world
Experience and interpret local environments, discuss observations, and represent ideas by drawing
Identifying plants, various wildlife, insects and life cycles
Safely manipulate materials and tools
Caring for self, family, classroom (outdoor and indoor), community and environment
Share observations/ideas orally
Express and reflect on personal experiences of place
Create and explore with a variety of materials
Process-based art
Music, dance, and performing arts